
Long Time.

I know it's been almost a month since i've posted but i promise i have somethings planned. Here are some teasers.
Call of Duty: Black Ops.
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.
ANIME!!!!!(OVER 9000!!!!)
Clothing. Namely T-Shirts.

You shall receive some blogging from the weird-o.



Comic Books.

I really don't like them. I hate the idea of having to spend a ton of money every week to get comics. That is the main problem is i would want to be subscribed and read at least 5-10 "serials" a week.

Graphic Novels/Collections

Theses are great for me, it collects either one long story in to a large book or a large story arc into one book. These can get expensive as well, an example i own the first 5 Teen Titans collections and there are at least 5 more. I cannot afford this right now. This bums me out.


These rule my life. They are perfect for me. Updating multiple times a week most of the time. uh Free. And some of the best writing i have ever read. I also read 15+ and i love keeping up with all of them. Granted some of them don't update nearly as much it is still a lovely thing to be able to read 2-3 strips a day and have it always added to some amazing storyline. Webcomics tend to be similar to newspaper comics, and i agree they are very similar, especially with comics like Sinfest. The biggest difference is that most of the time there are no long story arc's, mostly I believe is because not everyone wishes to purchase a newspaper everyday to keep up with a comic strip. On that note i will now list my top 5 Webcomics.

5. Gunnerkrigg Court
4. Girls With Slingshots
3. Ménage à 3
2. Sinfest
1. Questionable Content

You should start from the beginning of all of theses and read them all the way through.




I have been turning this blog into a music blog for far too long now. This was not my intention. so i shall move on to something far nerdier. Science Fiction. Or rather Sci-Fi tv and movies. I could touch on books but that is getting far to broad.

These are my top 10 favorite sci-fi tv/movie things(for some books apply as well.)
1.Star Wars
2.Star Trek
6.Starship Troopers

These are all things i know and love through and through, especially the top 5. these are some things i want to get into but just feel like i don't have the time or i guess patience to.

Babylon 5
Stargate SG-1/Atlantis/Universe
Doctor Who
Red Dwarf

any suggestions?
Well. Tuesday again. and i go yet another week without another post other than TTT. Whatev's. I promise later tonight i shall do an update about something trivial and nerdy.

1.Black Sabbath-Fairies Wear Boots
2.Green Day-Burnout
3.Damien Rice-9 Crimes (Demo)
4.Red Fang-Prehistoric Dog
7.The Pinstripes-One Drop (Dub)
8.Rage Against the Machine-Township Rebellion
9.Lady Gaga-Telephone (Judge me. i don't care she is the shit and I am proud to be a Little Monster)
10. Bright Eyes-At the Bottom of Everything


Well due to the fact that last tuesday i was posting about Punk Rawk and my little project about it i neglected to post a Top Ten Tuesday. So here it is. (Yes the TTT is returning. it has made its comeback after 3 years. http://xthe-king-of-heartsx.xanga.com/587708057/item/) woah!

1.The Fall on Deaf Ears-Do You Speak Braille?
2.Social Distortion-Let it Be Me.
3.Bright Eyes-Down a Rabbit Hole
4.DatsiK-Nuke Em'
5.Mumford and Sons-Little Lion Man
6.Whiteboy James and the Blues Express-Excuse me For Scribblin'
7.Cookie Monsta-Me Want Cookie
8.Monsters of Folk-Temazcal (thanks Moroski)
9.Green Day-Welcome to Paradise
10.At the Drive-In-Picket Fence Cartel.



"Punk Rock" 1973-2010

I am working on a delicate project. Creating a List of the best "Punk" songs starting in 1973 spanning to 2010. This is pretty much all personal opinion but i would like some help along the way. I need some years filled and once i have a first draft i will post it. I'm starting out by picking 1 album per year. That is the first draft. Second draft is picking a second album per year. Third draft is picking between those two, separating them in to The "A" Team and the "B" Team, if you will. Then the final task of picking a song from each album to represent that year.

Here are some years i need help with.1975, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1996, 1998, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.

Anything will help really. lemme put it to you this way my pick right now for 1999 is "Through Being Cool" by Saves the Day.



A revival of the most massive.

1.Cee-Lo-Fuck You!
2.Brazilian Girls-Pussy
3.Toto-Hold the Line
4.The Ventures-Out of Limits
5.The Pinstripes-Sweet Lovin'(a couple of AWESOME listens thanks to Sean)
6.NWA-I Ain't The One
7.The Chordettes-Mr Sandman
8.Del Shannon-Runaway
9.Otep-Head of Medusa
10.Wu Tang Clan-Ain't Nothin To Fuck With

This brings some shit back. Back in the days of Xanga on Tuesdays i would post the top 10 songs i was listening to, and so would my close friends. I would love to see some TTT's from my loves.


I and I know Jah.

I'm totally hesitant to make write about Ska and Reggae. This I feel is a music that i have only truly gotten into wholly within the past year. Sure I've know about it and listened to it since i was young, but in the past year i have immersed myself into it. Even with my immersion into the music I still feel ignorant about it. The culture with Reggae is where i feel the most ignorant. Understanding Rasta is kind of hard for me because i am not black, and even though i am an intelligent human being and I kind of get it, living it and intellectually getting it are totally different things. I am Babylon, and I hate this. Sure i can change some of this but still i will always be Babylon.
I suppose all that really matters is that we are all Brethren. I-rey.

10 Reggae, Ska(skapunk!), Rocksteady, Dub, and what have you songs that i love.

10.Burning Spear-Jah No Dead
9.Chris Murray-Rock Steady
8.The Forthrights-Liquor Store Music/One By One
7.Jimmy Cliff-The Harder they Come
6.The Skatalites-Guns of Navarone
5.English Beat-Mirror in the Bathroom
4.Bob Marley and the Wailers-Punky Reggae Party
3.The Pinstripes-One Drop
2.King Tubby-King Tubby's Conversation Dub
1.The Specials-A Message To You Rudy

A lot of these are some new discoveries, but number one is the first ska song i ever heard. Much thanks to Bob Fisher for introducing my dad to "We are Two Tone." The old man would play those two tone tracks all the time. Totally made a lasting impression because when i got to high school and got into punk rock and third wave ska i realized that lot of it sounded like the stuff my dad would play. Then i got addicted to The Specials, much like most other rudeboys of my age.

Keep It Real Rudi.


Cash Rules Everything Around Me

I'm going to take a departure from video games for a second to write about something that is very important to me.


more specifically.

The Wu-Tang Clan.

I love Wu. That is all there is to it. I'm not the biggest fan of rap but i do like a lot of standout, and a lot of shitty tracks. That is just how I am with music, especially with rap. but i digress.

The Wu-Tang Clan. I admit I do not have unlimited knowledge about the group but I like to think that i do have a pretty good grasp on what they have done in their career. Enter the Wu-Tang(36 Chambers) is by far the best hip-hop album ever released, give me one that is equal, go ahead i'll wait. I also consider it to be one of the best albums of any genre to be released.

"The Rza. The Gza, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon the Chef, U-God, Ghostface Killah, and the Method."

there they are. plus masta killa.

I have a tendency to mix up RZA and GZA. and that is solely because i feel like RZA is such a genius. Which for those uneducated in the Wu-Tang is GZA's nickname. GZA the Genius and RZA the Rzarector aka Bobby Digital. Another thing to dispute is that RZA is the best hip-hop producer out right now. Granted Dr. Dre is the shit, and even Timberland is great, but RZA is that next level. He has done movie soundtracks, as in the scores not just tracks he has cut, but legit scores. I also watched a video of him online using a drum machine and he created a fucking awesome beat out of nowhere. best part. it sounded better than most tracks that are playing on the radio right now, and there weren't even any lyrics on top of it.

Now I'm not just a fan of "The Wu-Tang Clan" i've also checked out quite a few of the Clan's solo albums.

I still can't put a finger on who my favorite group member is. Of course i have love for RZA, but really he created Wu. He made Wu what it is today by allowing them to have the beats that make the masses bob their heads. And I also love Method Man because his lyrics are some of the best and his flow is so fuckin' smooth. ODB is fucking hilarious rip. Although I think that tonight i have figured out that my fave group member is Ghostface Killah. The way he flows is so unique it slays me. He also stays under the radar during songs, he puts down great lyrics on tracks band when you listen to them you can't help but freak, but sometimes when thinking back on them, you can't figure out which verse was his or any of his lines for that matter. at least that is how it is for me. well except for "Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet?Why did Judas, rat to Romans while Jesus slept?" a line from "4th Chamber" from GZA's album Liquid Swords. so.fucking.deep.

Best Ghost line ever.

Well i suppose i shall list my top 5 Wu songs. which will also include solo songs.
1.The Wu-Tang Clan-C.R.E.A.M.
2.GZA-4th Chamber
3.The Wu-Tang Clan- Wu-Tang: 7th Chamber. Pt. 2
4.Method Man-Tical
5.Raekwon-New Wu




Ah yes, another drunken nerd rant.

as if you couldn't tell the one with me bitching about video games wasn't drunken.

Television shows.


You name it i probably like it.
Grey's Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Firefly, Dollhouse, NYPD Blue.

Battlestar Glactica.

This is the one that is a game changer. It has comedy, drama(out the ass), sci-fi(duh), romance, theology, and any number of other things.
This show is one of the few shows that my girlfriend and I actually love the same amount as one another.

We both miss the hell out of it. And lets face it Caprica is not an equal replacement for it.

So right now we are at a total Television impasse.

She likes Big Love alot. I like some of it. Mostly Bill Paxton.
She LOVES True Blood. I am still unsure. Which totally freaks me out because i want to love this show and i love the characters but for some reason I just can't get into it like BSG.

Basically what i'm getting at is that BSG needs to come back so my girl and I have a show to watch together.

or something similar needs to spawn so we can have something other than a sitcom or Glee to watch together.

Side note. I'm going to do a whole post about different television shows that i watch and love and hate.

Senguin Penguin aka Lord Gaga


Resident Evil 5

Let's face it, Resident Evil is one of the best video game franchises out there. Awesome game play, fantastic stories and best of all. Zombies. I've been playing RE since I was a kid. Introduced to it by none other than my cohort in crime Sean. It is the same with RE5. I knew it was coming out but I tried the demo for it and wasn't impressed. Then Sean brought the full game over and we started playing co-op. My opinion changed that very instant.

(Side note. I don't plan on this being a review of this game, its been out too long and here is the thing, i don't feel like be objective about the game, i like it too much.)

This game is very very reliant on the co-op. Playing it single player with the A.I. is okay at best. I find the best way to take advantage of the A.I. is for grinding for cash for with which to buy weapons and upgrade them.

This game totally satisfies my Obsessive Compulsive need to collect things. I've bought every single weapon in the game and am in the process of upgrading them all. It is the same thing that pulls me towards games like Fallout 3, Oblivion, and other games where you collect things to get an objective completed.

That. And you get to kill the shit out of zombies. or rather majini



So here is the thing about me and video games. I love them. and at the same time i hate them. there are some that i am awesome at and really really enjoy and not because i am good at them but because they are good (although being good at them helps, i'm not delusional.) But what i hate more than anything is a fucking fantastic game, such as the entire mega man series, that i totally suck at. I have tried to play just about every mega man game and i have yet to beat and entire level. it seriously drives me bat shit crazy. i love mega man. i think the game play is fantastic, and it really isn't as hard as it seems. I just don't have the knack for it. and its not a "next-gen gamer" having a hard time playing "old school games" i first owned a snes and could kick some serious ass at Super Mario World. Not to mention the first game i EVER played was Super Mario Brothers. Mega Man and certain older games just are not within my skill set...or maybe i've just become lazy as a gamer.

Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2

As far as I am concerned it is the best thing to have ever happened to video games. It appeals to hardcore gamers, while also allowing the masses to enjoy as well. And granted this is nothing new to have been said but i totally agree with it and stand by it. The one thing i have against it and other games like it. It can be too easy to play. Games of yesteryear required some serious skill. For example Donkey Kong. This game is fucking hard. I'm talking about grind your teeth to fucking nothing hard. Even when i was a kid playing games just below the skill set of this i couldn't barely get past the first level. The best part in my opinion is, the story was nil. The game play and the programming on the other hand, were above and beyond. Which in turn is why it went on the spawn as many sequels as it did as well as...the one...the only...Mario.

So what i'm getting at is games today are focusing on becoming more like movies. Sure most of these big budget games have some stellar game play (MW2 included) the story is by far the main focus or the multiplayer (that is a totally different area i'm not even going to touch right now.)

One game which i think had some of the best game play ever is Shadow of The Colossus. Almost no back story or story at all for that matter, some of the most beautiful graphics ever, and one of the most challenging games of all time.

It almost feels like a 3d, 21st century version of Donkey Kong.

Think about it. In DK you are climbing up these platforms to save Pauline, and thus end the level and move on to the next. In SotC you climb these massive Colossi to stab your sword in their weak spot and thus in the end save the girl.

Pretty much i can't wait for the next game from the devs of SotC to come out.

BUT... What i really wanted to blog about is my 5 fave games right now.

5.Resident Evil 5(or at least it would be if i had a copy)
4.Perfect Dark
3.Final Fantasy XIII
2.Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

next time i'll list my reasons for these picks. One. at. a. time.

yeah i'm about to start blog-a-paloozing.