

Comic Books.

I really don't like them. I hate the idea of having to spend a ton of money every week to get comics. That is the main problem is i would want to be subscribed and read at least 5-10 "serials" a week.

Graphic Novels/Collections

Theses are great for me, it collects either one long story in to a large book or a large story arc into one book. These can get expensive as well, an example i own the first 5 Teen Titans collections and there are at least 5 more. I cannot afford this right now. This bums me out.


These rule my life. They are perfect for me. Updating multiple times a week most of the time. uh Free. And some of the best writing i have ever read. I also read 15+ and i love keeping up with all of them. Granted some of them don't update nearly as much it is still a lovely thing to be able to read 2-3 strips a day and have it always added to some amazing storyline. Webcomics tend to be similar to newspaper comics, and i agree they are very similar, especially with comics like Sinfest. The biggest difference is that most of the time there are no long story arc's, mostly I believe is because not everyone wishes to purchase a newspaper everyday to keep up with a comic strip. On that note i will now list my top 5 Webcomics.

5. Gunnerkrigg Court
4. Girls With Slingshots
3. Ménage à 3
2. Sinfest
1. Questionable Content

You should start from the beginning of all of theses and read them all the way through.


1 comment:

sketchbob said...

Greg - thanks for these links. I've been looking for some good new web comics. - Bob